Friday, July 24, 2009

San Diego

As always, click photo to enlarge.
This is the house in El Cajon CA where my great-grandparents Ada and Oscar Tilley, and great-aunt Lou Goodale Bigelow lived. Auntie Lou had a studio off to the right, attached by a lovely breezeway. This photo shows the house brand-new, not like I knew it: it had large walnut trees in front, a screened in porch and lots of green grass. The orchard was still behind it even when I was a kid, but the land has been bought up and turned into a housing subdivision.

Ada Tilley holding her grandson Carlos Newman.

Left to right, Patrick Crowley (our dad), Ada and Oscar Tilley, Carlos Newman (cousin), our great-uncle Charles Newman, Grandmother Nadine Tilley Crowley Robinson, great-aunt Kathleen. Photo by Auntie Lou at her studio in Coronado, CA. Circa 1945.

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